Note of the co-author, this file is not finished yet as I write this on June 25 1995, it even needs a bit of translation still, which will be done in the final upload, so please bear with me till then.

However I believe that so far all which is written can be used without too much problemo. If you see any glaring mistakes write them to me & I will make the necessary correction. Thanks.

Note add on: this chapter as well as many others will need picture in order to be well understood.

At the present they are not yet included, not having a scanner nor the money but as soon as I can I will do that rest assure and not only for this chapter alone but for the rest of the book. Thanks for your understanding so far.


From plane crash: (Not plain cash)

Here are some ideas that already have been proven:

A) With bones or metallic parts from plane make needles.

B) Using wood, metal parts, piece of cloth as fish bait.

C) Using bones, metal piece or wood to make snow knife.

D) Using waterproof material in plane or tree bark, animal skin / or #boyaux# to make water container.

E) Bird wings to be used as broom for camp clean up.

F) Using bones, wood or metal to make spoon, fork etc.

G) Using wood, cloth to make shield against snow glare.

H) You can pierce hole in different objects by using a #foret a archet#


Probably the most useful article in emergency if you know how!

The #voilure or parachute sheet# can be used to make:

A) Shelters.

B) Signalisation Band Ground earth.

C) Clothing

D) Bed sheets.

E) Sails

F) Wrapping fish and meat.

G) Dressing.


The ropes of the #suspente# can be used for many uses. The #suspente# are made of an envelope containing 7 #torons# of 3 threads each. With a #suspente# one can lift 500 lbs. EX:

A) To make snares strong enough to catch a mouse or a moose.

B) To make fishing line with only one oiled thread.

C) To weave fishing nets.

D) Make security rope & #saisines#.

E) To make #sangles# for snowshoes.


1) Backpack 2) Shoes, mittens, hat.

3) Sheathe for knife or axe.


A) With the #armature# you can make harpoons.

B) With #goupille de detachment# you can make fishing hooks.

C) With #sangles du harnais# make belts, bag strap, towing cable.

D) With the steel plate from the frontal

envelope you can make knife of good quality.

E) With #courroies de sac# you can make sling shots.


It is possible to make a hammock from a parachute. The rigging lines run through the fabric right up to the apex.

Cut 5 panels as shown but do not cut the rigging lines above. Overlay the panels as shown (A) & flatten out. Grasp the 3 rigging lines in the corner & tie, close to the fabric, in an overhand knot B.

Then plait the 3 lines together (C). Insert spacer bars, notched at each end (D) to take the lines and tie your hammock to two convenient trees or stout posts.

If you rig a line over the hammock (E) you could drape a ground sheet or poncho over you to form a quick shelter.

If you do this be sure one end of the hammock is secured with a quick-release knot. It might be necessary to get out of the hammock in an emergency.

If you have another piece of rope, or plait some from unused rigging lines, you could tie both the hammock strings to a fixed loop (F) such as a bowline knot. Experiment with different ways of suspending your hammock, until you find the most stable & comfortable.